We continue to take care of mental health issues and share useful knowledge with you.

Our psychologists highlight several effective tools to alleviate a tough mental state:
We advise creating a list of "Reasons for Living".
Include the names of people you love and those you don't want to lose. Also, include favourite animals or books, perhaps places you always enjoy returning to. Write a short description under each item, it will help revive pleasant memories during a difficult moment.
Write down inspiring phrases
Not just quotes downloaded from the internet, but words that are truly important to you.
Make a list of safe people with contact details
People you can reach out to during a tough time.
Identify a trusted person for yourself
Someone who is ready to support you in the most difficult moment.
Write a letter of love to yourself
It might not be easy, but it will become a pillar of support.
Self-support exercises
Important and very effective self-support exercises include, for example, self-hugs, breathing techniques and mindfulness.
Contact a psychotherapist, it helps!
Maybe not right after the first consultation, but it will definitely help over time.
Support service number
Have a few saved support service numbers in your phone for moments of crisis, for example, our number 7333.
Your feelings matter! These tips will be helpful in crisis situations.
Having your own crisis plan can prevent the development of crisis states and you will feel the beneficial impact of caring for mental health.
With care for you, LifeLine Ukraine.