You are not alone
Find a friend, family member, or psychotherapist and talk about your problems. Don't keep your thoughts about suicide a secret. If you haven't found someone willing to listen yet, you probably haven't reached out to the right person. It can be very helpful to write a list of people you can turn to in a crisis, including support services such as our hotline 7333.
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Suicidal thoughts are usually connected to problems that can be solved
If you can't think of any solutions, it doesn't mean there aren't any, just that you can't see them right now. Psychotherapeutic treatments can help you find alternatives and evaluate suitable options.
Emotional crises and suicidal thoughts are temporary
Even if it seems like it won't end now, it's important to acknowledge that crises always end. Problems are never as serious as they seem at first glance. In such cases, time is often on your side.
Things that seem insurmountable now (financial problems, loss of a loved one) will become less painful and more manageable over time. It's normal that you might not feel this way now, but it's important to know because understanding that current problems are often more manageable can help maintain hope.
Reasons to live help get through hard times
Think about what has kept you going through tough times: family, hobbies, future projects. Even if you've distanced yourself from family or friends at the moment, remember that you can always renew relationships or create new ones. If you don't have a project you're passionate about right now, find one. A life project and strong relationships are the best antidotes to suicidal thoughts.
Distance yourself from any means by which you might harm yourself
If you've come up with a plan for suicide, especially stay away from means that could be part of it. It's important to reaffirm your commitment to life not only in positive thoughts and words but also in concrete actions.
Avoid alcohol and other drugs
To start with, get rid of any dangerous substances you might have at home, even if you do not have an addiction. If you have an addiction, do not stop attending your support group if you do so, or join one if you do not. If you take psychiatric medications, do not hoard them; ask your doctor for only the necessary prescriptions and, if possible, ask a family member to look after the medications and give you the required doses periodically or even at each intake.

Avoid tasks that are not going very well or are difficult for you until you feel better
Overexertion can only make the situation worse. If you are not able to ensure your own survival, you will not be able to care for anything else, so as long as you have suicidal thoughts, your sole and primary concern should be your recovery. Once you get better, you will be able to become a productive person in other aspects again.
Plan your daily chores
Write them down and put them in a visible place. Include at least two daily tasks that last over half an hour each. These should be activities that you enjoy or, at least, do not cause you demands, discomfort, or worry. It is also good to have an activity that you can do anytime you are overwhelmed by suicidal thoughts.
Try to converse and socialise with other people
Re-establishing social connections is an essential component. Also, remember that not everyone wants or is able to listen to your problems, and this does not mean they cannot help you in other ways. Call friends to talk about something different, join neighbourhood groups or workshops, share cultural or sporting events. Social contact is as nourishing as food, do not deprive yourself of it.
If you are undergoing psychotherapeutic or psychiatric treatment, talk to your psychiatrist or psychotherapist
The doctor will not be able to know what is happening to you or provide effective treatment unless you tell them how you feel and what is happening to you. You need to be open and honest about your emotions and thoughts; only then can the professional help you.
Look after your physical health
Mind your nutrition and engage in low-impact sports. If you suffer from any discomfort or malaise, go to the doctor; even if you are in good health, do not forget about routine check-ups. Taking care of your health is part of the commitments to life that you need to reframe.
Try to maintain an optimistic outlook on the future
Don’t forget that the vast majority of people who suffered from suicidal thoughts, even during suicide attempts, managed to recover and lead productive lives.
Tell us what’s bothering you 7333
If you are self-harming or in immediate danger, please go to the nearest psychiatric hospital or emergency medical service. For other situations where you feel overwhelmed by suicidal thoughts, call a trusted person who knows how to listen and restrain you, or our suicide prevention hotline 7333.