The increasing need for mental health support
In the second half of 2024, the Lifeline Ukraine hotline remained a crucial resource for those seeking emotional and psychological support. This report highlights key trends, the volume of consultations provided, and the primary challenges faced by the team.
The period from July to December 2024 saw an increase in the number of calls, confirming the ongoing demand for crisis support. Each month presented its own challenges, with the highest number of consultations recorded in November.

July 2024: Mid-Year
In July, the team handled 2,580 consultations, 75% of which were conducted by phone and 25% via chat. Despite the productive work, only 59% of the total incoming requests were processed, indicating a need for additional resources. Suicidal inquiries accounted for 20.2% of all targeted calls, confirming the importance of suicide prevention efforts.
August 2024: Stable Flow of Calls
In August, the hotline received 2,690 consultations. 73% were phone calls and 27% were chats. Thanks to having two psychologists on shift, 67% of requests were processed. Suicidal inquiries accounted for 14.9% of targeted calls, slightly down from previous months but still a concerning figure.
September 2024: A Month of Challenges
In September, the number of consultations decreased to 2,372, but the nature of the inquiries remained serious. 73% of calls were by phone and 27% were via chat. Suicidal inquiries accounted for 17.3% of all targeted calls, indicating significant emotional pressure on callers.
October 2024: Increase in Inquiries
In October, the number of consultations increased to 2,747, with 71% conducted by phone and 29% via chat. Despite the increased workload, 61.5% of requests were processed. 17% of targeted calls concerned suicidal behavior, confirming the need for crisis interventions.
November 2024: Peak of Calls
November saw a record number of calls: 4,807 consultations. 68% were phone calls, and 32% were chats. The team managed to process 64.5% of all calls. 19.6% of targeted calls concerned suicidal themes, making this month one of the most challenging for counselors.
December 2024: Year-End Summary
December concluded the year with 2,817 consultations. 62% of calls were by phone, and 38% were via chat. The team worked on a schedule: 2 psychologists on shift from 12:00 to 18:00 and 00:00 to 6:00, and 1 psychologist from 6:00 to 12:00 and 18:00 to 00:00. Suicidal inquiries accounted for 13.8% of all targeted calls.
Lifeline Ukraine Hotline Remains a Hope for Many
The demand for psychological support continues to grow. Increasing the number of staff and extending working hours will help better serve people in crisis.